Need A New Pressure Tank? How To Protect Your Investment

If you need to buy a new pressure tank for your residential well, now's the time to start a good maintenance routine. Proper care can extend the life of your pressure tank. It can also help you avoid issues with water pressure. If you're not sure how to care for your new pressure tank, read the list provided below. Here are some tips to help you extend the life of your new tank. 

Keep Your Pressure Tank Clean

If you're ready to buy a new pressure tank, don't forget to keep it clean. Cleaning a pressure tank might not seem like an important step, but that's not the case. Dirt and grease can compromise your pressure tank. This is especially true if the dirt and grease get inside the valves. One way to prevent damage is to clean your pressure tank on a regular basis. In fact, you should clean your pressure tank as soon as you notice dirt and grease accumulating. You can clean your pressure tank with a damp cloth. 

Inspect for Tank Leakage

If you want to protect your pressure tank, be sure to inspect for leaks. Leaks can happen in a couple of areas. First, the valves can start leaking. Second, the bladder can leak. If you see leaks coming from your pressure tank, call for repairs right away. Also, if you lose water pressure, check the pressure tank. Loss of pressure is a sign that your tank has a leak. 

Ensure Proper Protection

If you're going to buy a new pressure tank, choose the right location for installation. You want to avoid exposure to freezing temperatures and direct sunlight. Freezing temperatures can damage your pressure tank. This is especially true with regards to moisture. If the moisture freezes, it can lead to problems with the valves. To protect your pressure tank, be sure to create an enclosure. Covering your tank can prevent problems related to sun exposure and freezing temperatures. 

Take Care of Repairs

If you need to invest in a new pressure tank for your well, you want the investment to last as long as possible. One way to ensure that is to take care of repairs right away. Schedule routine inspections of your pressure tank. Call for repairs at the first sign of pressure tank problems. 

Don't take chances with your new pressure tank. Use the tips provided here to keep your pressure tank running strong. 
