Is Solar Power Right For Your Situation? Use This Information To Help You Decide
While solar panels have been around for decades, relatively few homeowners embraced them due to their initial costs. Recent improvements in the design, manufacturing process, and materials used have wiped away many of those early concerns and provided fresh excitement for capturing free energy from the sun.
Homeowners who would like to explore solar energy usage can use the following information to help them decide if this is the right time to equip their homes with solar power.
Is it allowed?
The first step when considering solar power is to make sure that you can legally install it at your home. City and county building codes, as well as HOA regulations, can make it difficult or impossible to legally convert your home to solar power. While most solar power installation services will assist with obtaining necessary construction permits, homeowners will first need to verify whether existing city or county codes and HOA regulations allow this type of improvement.
Is your home a good fit?
Once you have ensured that you have no legal obstacles to the installation of solar panels and equipment on your home, you will want to take time to consider whether your home is a good fit. Solar panels must have full sun during daylight hours to ensure that the system can produce the amount of energy your home and family require.
Homes that best accommodate the installation of solar panels should have sufficient, unobstructed roof spaces that face south or west to best capture the sun's energy. If other buildings, large trees, or other obstacles like large chimneys or other roof structures will prevent full exposure to the sun, the system may not produce enough electricity to make the project worthwhile. Asking a reputable solar panel installation service to evaluate your home and roof will help you fully understand your options for utilizing solar energy in your home.
Do you expect your current electricity bills to rise over the next decade?
If your home is located in an area with very low electricity costs and the provider has historically kept rate increases to a minimum, you may not benefit from switching to solar energy. However, homeowners who live in areas where electricity rates are skyrocketing and concerns about electrical outages are increasing can see substantial benefits after installing residential solar power.
To learn more specific information for your home, climate, and energy usage needs, take time to discuss your situation with a solar installation company in your area.